My Metaverse Journey in a Nutshell
- 1994: First contact with an AOL/Compuserve based metaverse
- 1996: First contact with Ultima Online through a classmate and began regularly playing using a dial-up modem
- 1998: Built an award-winning website for an artist
- 1999: Attempted to build a website for a pizza restaurant for profit but quit due to being tasked with office work
- 2000: Continued to play Ultima Online and traded real estate in-game
- 2001: Began experimenting in the stock market but had poor results
- 2006: Never touched World of Warcraft, seen it but never felt like playing.
- 2006: Played Ultima Online for a month straight before life got in the way, abonded it.
- 2008: Attempted to experiment in the stock market again with poor results. Got rekt.
- 2009: Discovered WordPress and began blogging, creating videos, affiliate marketing, and domain name trading, Google Adsense etc.
- 2010: Delved deeper into online marketing and web project management
- 2011: Built various online portals and briefly explored Second Life but never got into it.
- 2014: Ignored Bitcoin after briefly mentioning it on social media
- 2015: Gave up on affiliate marketing, worked mostly in performance marketing and social media 9-5
- 2017: Learned more about cryptocurrency and decentralization
- 2018: Learned even more about crypto and sold near the top of the market early on, also started mining Ethereum at home, and in the cloud – unprofitable but learned a lot.
- 2019: Invested in alternative coins and ignored the bear market for a year. Successfully.
- 2020: Tried Decentraland on first day of the pandemic and loved it, built my first building and hosted events, also began creating Decentraland videos
- 2020: Bought 5 parcels of Decentraland land at 2 cents MANA.
- 2020: Picked my first social media fight with OGs who started a few months prior.
- 2020: Aped into DCL wearables, made a killing first but got rekt in the end.
- 2020: Soon started to create wearables with my team and created the famous “how to create wearables in Decentraland” video that onboarded hundreds of people
- 2020: First VTuber in the Cryptoverse (pub. Metaverse Handbook)

- 2020: Gave away buildings in Decentraland
- 2020: Started doing YouTube interviews from my DCL Studio
- 2020: Bought an RTFKT Fewocious sneekers NFT with a physical copy for like 3k USD. WTF
- 2021: Watched a wave of new DCL players come in, literally over night
2021: Pulled the trigger on the infamous 4/10 Razor Jacket in Decentraland for well over USD 2k – Love it.

- 2021: Watched pretend OGs storming back after MANA rose above 10 cents
2021: The SWISS tuxedo DCL wearable was a great success - 2021: Got my Oculus 2 gear and tried VR for the 2nd time
- 2021: Watched many DCL OGs leave for crypto and for NFT related content and communities.
- 2021: Created modular building sets for Decentraland and made it available for download under the dcl.builders brand
- 2022: Created the SWISSVERSE brand but then paused most activity in Decentraland to focus on the metaverse as a whole
- 2022: Sold my DCL land almost at the peak
- 2022: Decided to pivot into web3 gaming and allocated capital to various assets
2022: Took a break to travel and only stayed active on Twitter
2022: Got socially engineered in an airport after a few beers and lost my Otherdeed for Otherside land clicking a fake link - 2022: Got rekt badly in the bear market
- 2023: Got back into the metaverse after discovering Hyperfy, reassembled my team to build a new HQ, and relaunched the SWISSVERSE brand
- Let us see what is next